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You should be proud that you are one of us



-- 我院杰出校友汪海燕发来致全体同学信

我院98届无机非金属材料专业毕业生汪海燕同学当年被保送至科学院金属研究所攻读硕士,后留学美国北卡州立大学,2003年起在美国洛斯阿洛莫斯国家实验室从事材料研究,2006年初被聘在美国Texas A&M大学电气与计算机工程系任教。大学毕业后不到8年,汪海燕博士已发表SCI论文80余篇,在国际会议上宣读论文40余篇,拥有8项美国专利…这样的业绩放在世界任何一所大学的毕业生中都是出类拔萃的。最近应院长邀请,汪海燕博士发来了一封致我院全体同学的信。信中抒发了她作为昌大校友的豪情、对材料科学的偏爱、对母校对老师的谢意和对昌大材院新学子的诚恳勉励;她最后特别说:社会需要更多的材料学家,请以身为我们的一员而自豪!来信转载如下。

A letter from Haiyan Wang to all undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanchang University

Dear all,
   How are you! Let me introduce myself first. My name is Haiyan Wang. I received my B.S. degree from the department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at Nanchang University in July 1998. I studied for my M.S. degree in the Institute of Metal Research in Shenyang and received my Ph.D. degree at North Carolina State University in December 2002. Then I worked in Los Alamos National Lab for three years. Currently I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the MSE program at Texas A & M University. I am teaching Thin Film Science and Technology and Electronics Fabrications. Per Prof. Lang Zhou’s invitation, I am writing you a short letter to convey my enthusiasm about the future of MSE.
   About 12 years ago, I was one of the 60 undergraduate students accepted by the department of MSE. Frankly speaking, I knew very little about MSE at that time. However, after four years’ thorough and fundamental training, I started to love this discipline and decided to pursue my M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science, specifically in the area of functional ceramics. I liked Prof. Liu and Prof. Xu’s classes on functional ceramics very much. I was fascinated by many unique properties that ceramics bring to us, such as piezoelectric, ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and superconducting properties. My curiosity has led to my career research focus. Currently I am working on functional ceramic thin films. One project we are working on is high temperature superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) thin film coated conductors. Our goal is to fabricate YBCO coated metal tapes as transmission lines to substitute traditional copper wires. This project is sponsored by the Department of Energy and The Air Force Research Lab. Another project is to grow ultra-thin diffusion barrier layers for Cu interconnects in Ultra-large Scale Integrated Circuits. These barrier layers are various nitride thin films and as thin as 3-5 nm. These thin layers can prevent Cu diffusing into the underlying Si devices. This work is in collaboration with several semiconductor companies.
   The message I want to deliver to you all is that the field you are studying is the foundation of many other new technologies. Material scientists are not educated only for cement companies and steel & ion industries. We are processing engineers in semiconductor industries and failure analysts in automotive companies; we also design and fabricate new materials for sensors, electronic devices, power grid, and medical tools. I am not surprised that our department has grown enormously in the past 10 years. The society needs more materials scientists. You should be proud that you are one of us!
   The period of undergraduate study is very short. However its impact on your future career can be tremendous. Take this great opportunity and create your own new world in Materials Science!


Haiyan Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas A & M University
College Station, TX 77843
Office: 979-845-5082
Email: wangh@ece.tamu.edu
Research: http://www.ece.tamu.edu/~pldlab/index.html

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