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材料论坛 张永毅学术报告



报 告 人:     张永毅 研究员

报告题目:  The controllable assembly, properties modulation and functional applications of carbon nanotube/graphene fibers

时    间:   2018年4月18日下午14:00

地    点:   材料楼A307


张永毅 研究员,中科院苏州纳米所南昌研究院材料部主任,中科院苏州纳米所研究员,硕士生导师,中科院青促会会员,2018年入选江西省“双千计划”(青年长期类)。北京师范大学学士(2002),北京大学物理化学博士(2008)。先后在美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校、美国南达科他大学化学系从事博士后研究(2008-2011),2011年6月加入中科院苏州纳米所,2016年12月至今兼任中科院苏州纳米所南昌研究院纳米材料部主任。长期从事碳纳米管、石墨烯等纳米碳材料的可控制备、控制组装、性能调控与产业应用技术研究。近年来编著《碳纳米管纤维》专著1本,发表SCI论文40余篇,申请专利近40项。主持国家自然科学基金项目(3项)、科技委重大项目子课题等省部级项目多项,骨干参与国家重点研发计划、总装、科技委、中科院重点等重大项目10余项。


Due to the unique structures and supreme mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, carbon nanotube and graphene are ideal building blocks for super fibers which own great potential applications in many fields. However, the lack of effective assemble technique makes it is of great challenges in obtaining strong nanocarbon fibers with multifunctional properties and applications. Here we will talk about our concerned work on the synthesis, assembly and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube and graphene fibers, and their applications in fields such as EMI, energy will be included as well.

邮编:330031 电话:0791-83969553 电邮:mse@ncu.edu.cn
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