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报 告 人: Anatolii Ustinov

报告题目: EBPVD涂层技术与应用

间: 2019年1216日上午9时30分

点: 材料楼A307


Ustinov AnatoliiHead of Department of E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute NASU

1967-1972 - .Physics Department, Dnepropetrovsk State University, student;

1972- 1975- Institute for Metal Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Postgrad.st.;

1976 - Ph.D. thesis:"Peculiarities of the Martensite Structure Formation in Alloys with Low Energy of Stacking Faults

1973-1979 - Research worker at the Institute for Metal Physics;

1979 - 1989 - Senior researcher at the Institute for Metal Physics;

1989 - Dr.Sc. thesis:" Regularity of Formation of One-Dimensional Disordering Structural States in Metal Systems at Phase Transformations of Displacement Type"

1989...1995 - Leading researcher at the Institute for Metal Physics;

1996...1999 - Head of department of Structure and Properties of Solid Solution at the same Inst.;

1999-2004 - Deputy Director on scientific work of International Centre for Electron Beam Technologies, E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute;

2004 - Head of department of Vapour-phase technologies of inorganic materials E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute.

邮编:330031 电话:0791-83969553 电邮:mse@ncu.edu.cn
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