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唐庆文 教授 硕导



  唐庆文,博士(后),南昌大学教授,省部级人才,天府宇宙线研究中心特聘青年研究员,江西省青年科技工作者协会副秘书长,江西省天文学会副秘书长。2008年、2012年、2015年分别毕业于东北林业大学、广西大学、南京大学,曾在台湾清华大学、美国俄亥俄州立大学从事科学研究工作。研究方向为高能天体物理,是我国LHAASOSVOMGECAMCATCHLACT等重大科技基础设施项目组成员。目前在PRLA&AApJMNRASPRD等杂志发表SCI论文60余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者论文20余篇,研究成果被科学美国人、新科学家、美国物理学会、美国天文学会等专题报道,主持国家自然科学基金3项和省级自然科学基金6项,获江西省自然科学奖二等奖(R2)、江西省天文学研究成果一等奖(R1)等,主持完成省级教改课题1项,指导学生获得省级学科竞赛一等奖4人次。近年来担任《Astronomical Techniques and Instruments》期刊青年编委,国家自然科学基金委员会、江西科技厅、广西科技厅等项目评审专家。



2 2022年江西省教学成果奖一等奖(R6),基于需求导向和多学科交叉融合的空间科学创新拔尖人才培养模式

3 2020井冈学者奖励计划,青年井冈学者

4 2021江西省天文学研究成果一等奖(R1),发现太阳高能伽马辐射的新特点



1 江西省自然科学基金/重点项目,黑洞-中子星系统的起源及相关爆发现象的研究,20242BAB26012

2 江西省自然科学基金/杰出青年基金项目,伽马射线暴的甚高能伽马辐射探测及其理论研究,20224ACB211001 

3 国家自然科学基金/地区科学基金项目,太阳高能和甚高能伽马辐射的奇异行为研究,12065017

4 国家自然科学基金/青年科学基金项目,伽玛射线暴高能辐射的新特征研究,11903017

5 江西省自然科学基金/面上项目,恒星形成与星暴星系的高能辐射研究,20212BAB201029


  22Tang, Qing-Wen(*), A&A, 2025, in press, arXiv:2411.09106  (Time-integrated polarizations in GRB prompt phase via the Multi-window interpretation)

 【21Tang, Qing-Wen(*), A&A, 2024, 691, A214  (Stable case BB/BC mass transfer to form GW190425-like massive binary neutron star mergers)

 【20 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), RAA, 2024, 24, 8, 085004  (Simulation Study on Constraining Gravitational Wave Propagation Speed by Gravitational Wave and Gamma-ray Burst Joint Observation on Binary Neutron Star Mergers)

 【19 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), RAA, 2024, 24, 4, 045012  (Morphology Study for GeV Emission of Nearby Supernova Remnant G332.5-5.6)

 【18 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), MNRAS, 2023, 525, 3, 4321-4328  (Revisiting the properties of GW190814 and its formation history)

 【17 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), RAA, 2023, 23, 11, 115013  (Statistical Properties of X-Ray Bursts from SGR J1935+2154 Detected by Insight-HXMT)

 【16 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), RAA, 2023, 23, 2, 025007  (Possible Origin of a Newly Discovered GeV Gamma-Ray Source Fermi J1242.5+3236)

 【15 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), ApJ, 2022, 929, 2, 179  (Detection of a Prompt Fast-variable Thermal Component in the Multipulse Short Gamma-Ray Burst 170206A)

 【14 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), Universe, 2022, 8, 10, 512  (A Comprehensive Study of Bright Fermi-GBM Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: II. Very Short Burst and Its Implications)

 【13 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), Universe, 2022, 8, 3, 159  (A Comprehensive Study of Bright Fermi-GBM Short Gamma-ray Bursts: I. Multi-Pulse Lightcurves and Multi-Component Spectra)

 【12 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), ApJ, 2021, 922, 2, 255  (Prevalence of Extra Power-Law Spectral Components in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts)

 【11 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), EPJC, 2020, 80, 11, 1062  (Constraints on Hořava-Lifshitz gravity from GRB 170817A)

 【10 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), IJMPD, 2020, 29, 6, 2050043  (GRB 161017A, the circumburst environment is an intermediate regime between the homogeneous interstellar medium and wind-type medium)

 【9 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), PRL, 2018, 121, 13, 131103  (Evidence for a New Component of High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray Production)

 【8 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), PRD, 2018, 98, 6, 063019  (Unexpected dip in the solar gamma-ray spectrum)

 【7 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), AP&SS, 2018, 363, 2, 25  (Discovery of GeV gamma-ray emission from the LMC B0443-6657 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope)

 【6 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), ApJ, 2018, 863, 1, 50  (The Three-parameter Correlations About the Optical Plateaus of Gamma-Ray Bursts)

 【5 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), ApJ, 2017, 844, 1, 56  (Evidence of an Internal Dissipation Origin for the High-energy Prompt Emission of GRB 170214A)

 【4 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), ApJ, 2017, 843, 1, 42  (Evidence of a Spectral Break in the Gamma-Ray Emission of the Disk Component of the Large Magellanic Cloud: A Hadronic Origin?)

 【3 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), ApJ, 2015, 806, 2,194  (Measuring the Bulk Lorentz Factors of Gamma-ray Bursts with Fermi)

 【2 Tang, Qing-Wen(*), ApJ, 2014, 794, 1, 26  (Discovery of GeV Emission from the Direction of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 2146)

 【1】 Tang, Qing-Wen(*),  ApJ, 2014, 788, 2, 156  (An Inverse Compton Origin for the 55 GeV Photon in the Late Afterglow of GRB 130907A)

