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吴慧丽 讲师


吴慧丽博士,1990年出生,南昌大学讲师2013-2020年硕士均毕业于西北工业大学2020年起加入南昌大学。主要研究方向聚焦于轻合金(如钛、铝合金)构件热加工实验研究与建模仿真、显微组织图像识别等。目前在International Journal of Plasticity(本领域TOP1期刊)Materials CharacterizationMaterials Design Journal of alloys and compounds等杂志发表SCI论文20余篇


H.L. Wu, L.L. Xu, N. Xiao. Efficient and accurate segmentation of adhesive lamellae in tri-modal microstructure of titanium alloy based on OpenCV. Mater. Charat. 2024, 208, 113606.

H.L. Wu, Z.C. Sun, J. Cao, Z.K. Yin. Formation and Evolution of Tri-modal Microstructure during Dual Heat Treatment for TA15 Ti-alloy. J. alloy compd. 2019, 786:894-905.

H.L. Wu, Z.C. Sun, J. Cao, Z.K. Yin. Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Heat-treated and Thermomechanically Processed TA15 Ti-alloy Composites. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2019, 28(2):788- 799.

H.L. Wu, Z.C. Sun, J. Cao, Z.K. Yin. Diffusion Transformation Model in TA15 Titanium Alloy: The Case of Nonlinear Cooling. Mater. Design 2020, 191:108598. (SCI: 000536937200020, EI: 20201008271092, IF: 6.289)

L.L. Xu, H.L. Wu, D.Q. Tan. Effects of Ag content and the annealing process on the microstructure and properties of Cu–7Mn–Ag–0.2Ce–0.2Zr resistor alloys. Mater.Chem. Phys. 2023, 305, 127917. (SCI: , EI:, IF:4.6 )

Z.C. Sun, H.L. Wu, J. Cao, Z.K. Yin. Modeling of Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization of Al-Zn-Cu-Mg Alloy during Hot Deformation Based on the Internal-state-variable (ISV) Method. Int. J. Plasticity 2018, 106:73-87.

Z.C. Sun, H.L. Wu, J.Z. Sun, J. Cao. Evolution of Lamellar α Phase during Two-phase Field Heat Treatment in TA15 Alloy. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2017, 42(32):20849-20856.

Z.C. Sun, H.L. Wu, Q.F. Sun, J. Cao. Tri-modal Microstructure in High Temperature Toughening and Low Temperature Strengthening Treatments of Near-β Forged TA15 Ti-alloy. Mater. Charact. 2016, 121:213-221.

Z.C. Sun, H.L. Wu, H. Yang. Evaluation of Subsequent Heat Treatment Routes for Near-β Forged TA15 Ti-Alloy. Materials 2016, 9(11):872-885.

  1. C. Sun, H.L. Wu, M. Wang, J. Cao. Tri‐Modal Microstructure Evolution in Near‐β and Two-Phase Field Heat Treatments of Conventionally Forged TA15 Ti-alloy. Adv. Eng. Mater. 2017, (5):1-10.

  2. C. Sun, H.L. Wu, X.Y. Ma, J. Cao. Dependence of Microstructure on Solution and Aging Treatment for Near-β Forged TA15 Ti-Alloy. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2016, 25(10):4549-4560.

J. Cao, Z.C. Sun, H.L. Wu, Z.K. Yin, L. Huang. Evolution Law of Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization in Forming of AA7075 Tee Valve by Multi-direction Loading. Int. J. Lightweight Mater. Manuf. 2019, 2(1):40-49.

Z.C. Sun, J. Cao, H.L. Wu, Z.K. Yin. Inhomogeneous Deformation Law in Forming of Multi-cavity Parts under Complex Loading Path. J. Mater. Process Tech. 2018, 254:179-192.

Z.C. Sun, J. Cao, H.L. Wu, Z.K. Yin. Physical Simulation Experiment and Evaluation for Folding

Defect in Forming of Multi-cavity Parts by Multi-direction Loading. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Tech. 2018, 98:2933-2942.

Z.C. Sun, F.X. Han, H.L. Wu, H. Yang. Tri-modal Microstructure Evolution of TA15 Ti-alloy under Conventional Forging Combined with Given Subsequent Heat Treatment. J. Mater. Process Tech. 2016, 229:72-81.

Z.C. Sun, X.J. Mao, H.L. Wu, H. Yang, J.J. Li. Tri-modal Microstructure and Performance of TA15 Tialloy under Near-β Forging and Given Subsequent Solution and Aging Treatment. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2016, 654:113-123.

Z.C. Sun, X.S. Li, H.L. Wu, H. Yang. Morphology Evolution and Growth Mechanism of the Secondary Widmanstätten α Phase in the TA15 Ti-alloy. Mater. Charact. 2016, 118:167-174.

Z.C. Sun, X.S. Li, H.L. Wu, H. Yang. A Unified Growth Model of the Secondary Grain Boundary α Phase in TA15 Ti-alloy. J. Alloy Compd. 2016, 689:693-701.

J. Cao, Z.C. Sun, H.L. Wu, Z.K. Yin, L. Huang. Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization Prediction in Multi-direction Loading Forming of 7075 Aluminum Alloy Tee Valve. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2018, 439:022015.

Z.C. Sun, J. Zhang, H. Yang, H.L. Wu. Effect of Workpiece Size on Microstructure Evolution of Different Regions for TA15 Ti-alloy Isothermal Near-β Forging by Local Loading. J. Mater. Process Tech. 2015, 222:234-243.



地 址:江西省南昌市红谷滩新区学府大道999号,南昌大学物理与材料学院
