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于立新 教授 博导

于立新,教授,博士生导师。1996年毕业于武汉工业大学无机非金属材料专业;2005年于长春光机所获得凝聚态物理博士学位。于2006和2007年先后在香港城市大学生物与化学系(Peter. Tanner)、名古屋工业大学材料科学系(Nogami)做博士后。目前主要从事稀土发光材料、半导体光电特性、功能玻璃-陶瓷、氮化物功能材料的研究与开发。完成一项国家自然科学基金(10504030),在研国家自然科学基金两项。在Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Phys. Chem.等国际期刊累计发表发表SCI收录论文60余篇,受邀担任主编在美国NOVA科学出版社出版编著一部,受邀为美国NOVA科技出版社出版的2部专著各撰写一章。




1. Songchu Li,Lixin Yu,*Xiaoqin Man,JianlinZhong,Wei Sun, Photoluminescent properties of Eu3+‐Eu2+activated MAl2SixO2x + 4(M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) phosphors prepared in air. Lumine.33 (3), 391-398, 2018.

2. JianlinZhong, Lixin Yu∗, Songchu Li, Xiaoqin Man and Wei Sun,The self-reduction synthesis and luminescent properties of Eu2+-Eu3+activated BaZr0:2Si2O5:4phosphors with white light emission for white light-emitting diodes. Modern Physics Letters B 32( 4), 1850047 (6 pages), 2018.

3. Songchu Li, Lixin Yu, * Xiaoqin Man, JianlinZhong, Xiaxia Liao, Wei Sun,

The Synthesis and band gap changes induced by the doping with rare-earth ions in nano-SnO2,Mater. Sci. in Semiconduc. Proc. 71(15 ), 128–132, 2017.

4. Xiaoqin Man, Lixin Yu,* Jiaju Sun, Songchu Li, JianlinZhong, Synthesis and

photoluminescent properties of Eu3+/Dy3+doped SrO-Al2O3-SiO2glass-ceramics, J. Rare Earths, 35( 5), 446-452, 2017.

5. Xiaoqin Man, Lixin Yu,* Songchu Li, JianlinZhong, Microstructure and

luminescent properties of MgO-Ga2O3-SiO2glassceramics doped with Eu/Ce induced by atmosphere and heated temperature. J. Non-Crystalline Solids 470. 86-92, 2017.

6. SongchuLiI, Lixin Yu*, Jiaju Sun, Man Xiaoqin, Synthesis and photoluminescent

characteristics of Eu3+-doped MMoO4(M="Sr, Ba) nanophosphors by a hydrothermal method. J. Rare Earths, 35(4), 347-355, 2017.

7. Fuhai Li, Lixin Yu,* Jiaju Sun, Songchu Li, and Shuilin Wei,The Synthesis and Photoluminescent Properties of CaMoO4:Eu3+Nanocrystals by a Soft Chemical Route. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.17, 2554–2558, 2017.

8. Xiaoqin Man, Lixin Yu*, Jiaju Sun, Songchu Li, The shthesis and the photocatalytic degradation properties of the nano-MoS2. Adv. Func. Mater.9 (5), 1650065 (4pages), 2016.

9. Jiaju Sun, Lixin Yu*, Weifan Chen, Songchu Li, Xiaoqin Man, Wei Sun, The photoluminescent properties of europium and terbium ions co-doped one-dimensional gadolinium orthophosphate nanorods and microcrystals, Spectra Letter, 49,311-318,2016.

10. Jiaju Sun, Lixin Yu*, Songchu Li, Xiaoqin Man, Microstructure and photoluminescent properties of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2silicate glass-ceramics doped with Eu3+and Dy3+, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech. 78(2), 430-437,2016.

11. Songchu Li, Lixin Yu*, Jiaju Sun, Xiaoqin Man, In-air self-reduction synthesis and photoluminescent properties of Eu2+-Eu3+activated CaAl2SixO2x+4phosphors.

Ceram.Inter. 42, 7968-7973, 2016.

12 Fuhai Li, Lixin Yu*, Shuilin Wei, Jiaju Sun, Weiqing Chen, and Wei Sun, Synthesis and photoluminescence characteristics of Eu3+-doped molybdatesnanocrystals, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 9407-9413 (2015)

13. Jiaju Sun, Lixin Yu. Fuhai Li, Shuilin Wei, Songchu Li, Up-conversion and near infrared luminescence in Er3+/Yb3+co-doped glass-ceramic containing MgGa2O4nano-crystals, J. Lumin. 170, 444–450, 2016

14. LixinYu*,Doping:Propertie, Mechnisims and Applications,NOVA Science Publishers Inc. 2013,pp1-318(40万字),主编(sole editor)

15. Lixin Yu*, Zhongxin Liu, Chapter 8: Optical properties of rare earth ions induced by femtosecondlaser( pp279-314) in “High-power and femtersecond laser”(pp1-483), NOVA Science Publishers Inc., 10万字,2009.

16. Lixin Yu*, The development of luminescence properties of Eu3+-doped nanosized materials,(pp1-53), NOVA Science Publishers Inc. 10万字,2011.


1.于立新,孙家驹,李宋楚,满孝琴,一种具有高效白光发射的玻璃陶瓷及制备方法,专利号ZL201610297734.X, 2018.1.18

2.于立新、李宋楚、孙家驹、李富海、魏水林,一种Eu3+/Eu2+掺杂的铝酸盐多色荧光材料及制备方法.发明专利,ZL 201510440352.3。2017.6.14

3.于立新、魏水林、李富海、孙家驹,一种高掺杂浓度红色荧光粉及其制备方法.发明专利,专利号ZL 201410211109.X,2016.3
