首页» 师资队伍» 材料科学与工程系

舒龙龙 教授 博导



舒龙龙博士,1987年出生,南昌大学教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才计划入选者。2005-2015年本硕博均毕业于西安交通大学,先后在美国北卡罗莱纳大学(2013年)、香港理工大学(2015年)访问,2015年起加入南昌大学,主要研究方向聚焦于光电功能材料及其在交叉学科领域的应用,以通讯作者在Nature MaterialsPRLMatter等杂志发表SCI论文50余篇,承担国家自然科学基金5项(其中面上项目3项)、国家重点研发计划子课题、国家高层次人才特殊支持计划拔尖项目、江西省“双千计划”、江西省杰出青年基金等课题10余项,获2023年度江西省自然科学一等奖(第一完成人)、南昌大学十大研究生导师等学术奖励,担任Journal of Advanced CeramicsJournal of Advanced Dielectrics、南昌大学学报等杂志编委。



1. 江西省自然科学一等奖,挠曲电理论与材料设计,Z-23-1-01,排名第一(2023)。

2. 南昌大学第二届十大优秀研究生导师(2024)。

3. 首届徐宗本应用数学奖(2013)。


1. 国家万人计划青年拔尖人才(2023)。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52472124,项目负责人,2025-202848

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12174174,项目负责人,2022-202562

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11574126,项目负责人,2016-201973

5. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,51962020,项目负责人,2020-202340

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11604135,项目负责人,2017-201924万。

7. 国家重点研发计划高性能电磁介质及元器件开发子课题2017YFB0406300项目负责人,2017-202193万。

8. 江西省双千计划”科技创新高端人才项目项目负责人2020-2023100

9. 江西省杰出青年基金,20212ACB214011项目负责人2021-202320万。


1. Longlong Shu*, Shanming Ke, Linfeng Fei, Wenbin Huang, Zhiguo Wang, Jinhui Gong, Xiaoning Jiang, Li Wang, Fei Li, Shuijin Lei, Zhenggang Rao, Yangbo Zhou, Ren-Kui Zheng, Xi Yao, Yu Wang, Massimiliano Stengel, Gustau Catalan*, Photoflexoelectric effect in halide perovskites, Nature Materials 19, 605-609 (2020). (Highlighted by Chemical Engineering News).

2. Zhiguo Wang, Shengwen Shu, Xiaoyong Wei, Renhong Liang, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, and Gustau Catalan*, Flexophotovoltaic effect and above-bandgap photovoltage induced by strain gradients in halide perovskites, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 086902 (2024). (Editors' suggestionFeatured in Physics)

3. Zhiguo Wang, Hongqiang Zhong, Zhiyong Liu, Xiaotian Hu, Longlong Shu*, Gustau Catalan*, Strain-gradient-induced modulation of photovoltaic efficiency, Matter 8, 101930 (2024).

4. Liwen Zhu, Renhong Liang, Zhiguo Wang, Mao Ye, Jiuling Gu, Zhiyong Liu, Renkui Zheng, Shanming Ke*, Longlong Shu*. One-dimensional wrinkled SrRuO3 single-crystalline thin films with tunable strain gradients. Phys. Rev. Mater. 9, 014401 (2025).

5. Chao Yi, Zhiguo Wang, Zhenggang Rao, Chunchun Li, Longlong Shu*, Enhanced flexoelectric properties in sodium bismuth titanate-based lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics by inducing polar nanoregions. J. Appl. Phys. 137, 034101 (2025).

6. Guoyang Shen, Liwen Zhu, Zhiguo Wang, Jie Zhao*, Longlong Shu*. Tuning self-polarization of epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films through interface effect. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 16, 70038−70046 (2024).

7. Wenjing Guo, Zhao Yang, Long, Longlong Shu*, Hu Cai, Zhenhong Wei, The First Discovery of Spherical Carborane Molecular Ferroelectric Crystals, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 63, e202407934 (2024).

8. Runtian Xu, Zhiyong Liu*, Bing Xie, Longlong Shu*, Lattice strain engineered reactive oxygen species generation of NaNbO3 ferroelectric, Nano Energy 127, 109738 (2024).

9. Lulu Gao, Zhiyong Liu, Pengrong Ren, Renhong Liang, Ting Li, Kun Guo, Bing Xie, Jinshan Lu, Pu Mao, Jun Tian, Longlong Shu*, Inhibiting oxygen vacancies and twisting NbO6 octahedron in erbium modified KNN-based multifunctional ceramics, J. Materiomics 10, 179-189 (2024).

10. Hao Li, Hao Wu, Zhiguo Wang*, Zhengqiu Xie, Shengwen Shu, Zhiyong Liu, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, Space Charge induced colossal dielectric constant and large flexoelectricity in Nb-doped BaTiO3 ceramics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 062904 (2024).

11. Ting Li, Wenjin Hu, Changxin Tang, Zihao Zhou, Zhiguo Wang, and Longlong Shu*, Enhanced piezo-catalysis in ZnO rods with built-in nanopores, J. Adv. Ceram.12, 2271 (2023).

12. Liwen Zhu, Renhong Liang, Mao Ye, Longlong Shu*, Renkui Zheng, Shanming Ke*, Thickness-dependent flexoresistance in SrTiO3 thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 162901 (2023).

13. Qinfang Jing, Zhiyong Liu*, Xian Cheng, Cichun Li, Pengrong Ren, Kun Guo, Haojie Yue, Bing Xie, Ting Li, Zhiguo Wang, Longlong Shu*, Boosting piezo-photocatalytic activity of BiVO4/BiFeO3 heterojunctions through built-in polarization field tailoring carrier transfer performances, Chem. Eng. J. 464, 142617 (2023).

14. Zhen Zhang, Zhaokuan Wen, Ting Li, Zhiguo Wang, Zhiyong Liu*, Xiaxia Liao, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, Flexoelectric aging effect in ferroelectric materials, J. Appl. Phys. 133, 054102 (2023).

15. Longlong Shu, Zhiguo Wang, Renhong Liang, Zhen Zhang, Shengwen Shu, Changxing Tang, Fei Li, Ren-Kui Zheng, Shanming Ke*, Gustau Catalan*, Intrinsic flexoelectricity of van der Waals epitaxial thin films, Phys. Rev. B 106, 024108 (2022).

16. Zhiguo Wang, Chunchun Li, Hongyuan Xie, Zhen Zhang, Wenbin Huang, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, Effect of grain size on flexoelectricity, Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 064017 (2022).

17. Liangbin Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Shengwen Shu, Yongming Hu, Chunchun Li, Shanming Ke, Fei Li, Longlong Shu*, Origin of defects induced large flexoelectricity in ferroelectric ceramics, Phys. Rev. Mater. 6, 094416 (2022).

18. Renhong Liang, Huizhong Wang, Shu Zhan, Mao Ye, Longlong Shu*, Linfeng Fei, Danyang Wang, Ren-Kui Zheng, Shanming Ke*, High-Temperature Flexible Transparent Heater for Rapid Thermal Annealing of Thin Films, Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, 044049 (2022).

19. Zhiguo Wang, Renhong Liang, Yongming Hu, Chunchun Li, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, Controllable semiconductor flexoelectricity by interface engineering, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 192901 (2022).

20. Zhen Zhang, Shengwen Shu, Zhiguo Wang, Zhenqiu Xie, Huizhong Wang, Chunchun Li, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, The flexoelectric transition in CaCu3Ti4O12 material with colossal permittivity, J. Appl. Phys. 132, 024101 (2022). (Cover Paper)

21. Zhiguo Wang, Chunchun Li, Zhen Zhang, Yongming Hu, Wenbin Huang, Shanming Ke, Ren-Kui Zheng, Fei Li, Longlong Shu*, Interplay of defect dipole and flexoelectricity in linear dielectrics, Scripta Mater. 210, 114427 (2022).

22. Zezong Yu, Zhiguo Wang, Shengwen Shu, Tingfang Tian, Chunchun Li, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, Local structural heterogeneity induces high flexoelectricity in Sm-doped PMN-PT ceramics, J. Appl. Phys. 129, 174103 (2021).

23. Shanming Ke, Shangyu Luo, Jinhui Gong, Liwen Qiu, Renhong Liang, Yangbo Zhou, Bingcheng Luo, Baochang Cheng, Li Wang*, Longlong Shu*, Electric modulation of conduction in MAPbBr3 single crystals, J. Adv. Ceram. 10, 320-327 (2021).

24. Liwen Qiu, Zhiguo Wang, Chunchun Li, Li Wang, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*, Perovskite MAPb(Br1−xClx)3 single crystals: Solution growth and electrical properties, J. Cryst. Growth 549, 125869 (2020).

25. Zhiguo Wang, Ruobing Song, Zhenjiang Shen, Wenbin Huang, Chunchun Li, Shanming Ke, Longlong Shu*. Non-linear behavior of flexoelectricity, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 252905 (2019). (Featured Article, Scilight)

26. Chunchun Li, Zhiguo Wang, Fei Li, Zhenggang Rao, Wenbin Huang, Zhenjiang Shen, Shanming. Ke*, Longlong Shu*, Large flexoelectric response in PMN-PT ceramics through composition design, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 142901 (2019).

27. Longlong Shu*, Renhong Liang, Zhenggang Rao, Linfeng Fei, Shanming Ke*, Yu Wang, Flexoelectric materials and their related applications, a focused review. J. Adv. Ceram. 8, 153 (2019).

28. Longlong Shu, Renhong Liang, Yanzhuo Yu, Tingfang Tian, Zhenggang Rao, Yu Wang, Unique elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric properties in micro-architected metamaterials. J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 2758 (2019).

29. Junqiang Zhu, Tingwei Chen, Longlong Shu*, Zhiguo Wang, Wenbin Huang, Linfeng Fei, Fei Li, Zhenggang Rao, Shanming Ke, Bo Li, Xi Yao, Yu Wang*. Flexoelectric fatigue in (KNaLi)(NbSb)O3 ceramics. Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 182901 (2018).

30. Longlong Shu, Tao Li, Zhiguo Wang, Fei Li, Linfeng Fei, Zhenggang Rao, Mao Ye, Shanming Ke, Wenbin Huang*, Yu Wang*, Xi Yao, Flexoelectric behavior in PIN-PMN-PT single crystals over a wide temperature range. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 162901 (2017).

31. Longlong Shu, Meiqian Wan, Zhiguo Wang, Li Wang, Shuijin Lei, Tong Wang, Wenbin Huang*, Naigen Zhou*, Yu Wang, Large flexoelectricity in Al2O3-doped Ba(Ti0.85Sn0.15)O3 ceramics. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 192903 (2017).

32. Longlong Shu, Wenbin Huang, Seol Ryung Kwon, Zhao Wang, Fei Li, Shujun Zhang, Xiaoyong Wei*, Michael Lanagan, Xiaoning Jiang*, Converse flexoelectric coefficient f1212 in bulk Ba0.67Sr0.33TiO3. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 232902 (2014). (Highlighted by Physics Today)

33. Longlong Shu, Fei Li, Wenbin Huang, Xiaoyong Wei*, Xi Yao, Xiaoning Jiang*. Relationship between direct and converse flexoelectric coefficients. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 144105 (2014).

34. Longlong Shu, Xiaoyong Wei*, Ting Pang, Xi Yao, Chunlei Wang, Symmetry of flexoelectric coefficients in crystalline medium. J. Appl. Phys. 110, 104106 (2011) (200 Citations)




