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陈兴涛 讲师


主要从事功能性透明陶瓷材料的制备、性能表征和功能材料开发的研究工作,在透明陶瓷材料领域具有较好的研究基础和丰富的研究经验。近五年来,作为第一作者在Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Journal of Luminescence等学术期刊发表SCI收录论文8篇,已获授权专利1项,参与合作SCI英文文章15篇, 相关研究成果在国际MS&T会议、HTCMC 9国际会议、GOMD 2016国际会议和CICC 9国际陶瓷会议以报告形式做了汇报,得到相关专家的好评。


2014/9 - 2017/7,四川大学, 凝聚态物理,博士,导师:卢铁城教授

2011/9 - 2014/9,四川大学, 凝聚态物理,硕士,导师:卢铁城教授


2017/8 - 至今,南昌大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师

2015-2016, 美国纽约州立大学陶瓷学院,联合培养,合作导师:吴义权教授

2016/03,  美国康奈尔大学材料科学与工程学院,访问交流

2016/06,  加拿大多伦多大学材料科学与工程学院,访问交流


1. 光功能透明陶瓷和单晶材料及其物性研究

2. 半导体光电功能材料及其器件

3. 高温高压下材料的物性研究



2、 国家高技术(863)军口课题, 2014AA8044061B 、XXXXX、 2014/07-2015/06、20万元、已结题、参加。


4、透明陶瓷闪烁中子探测器研究,中国工程物理研究院横向项目, 2014BC01、掺铀YAG透明陶瓷闪烁中子探测器研究 、2014/10-2016/10、 50万元 、在研 、参加。


(1) XingTao Chen, Y.Q. Wu, Z.W. Lu,N. Wei,J.Q. Qi, et al., Assessment of conversion efficiency of Cr4+ ions by aliovalentcation additives in Cr:YAG ceramic for edge cladding, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., (2018) 1–12.

(2) Xingtao Chen, Tiecheng Lu*, et al. The roles of various sintering aids on the color center and optical scattering loss of Yb YAG transparent laser ceramic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (2017) 1957-1965.

(3) Xingtao Chen, Y.Q. Wu, et al. Fabrication, photoluminescence and terahertz absorption properties of Yb:YAG transparent ceramics with various Yb dopant concentrations,Optical Materials, Accepted, 2018.

(4) Xingtao Chen, Tie-Cheng Lu*, et al. Fabrication and spectroscopic properties of Yb/Er:YAG and Yb, Er: YAG transparent ceramic, Journal of Luminescence, 188 (2017) 533–540.

(5) Xingtao Chen, TieCheng Lu*, et al. Ammonium citrate-assisted combustion synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Dy:YAG nanophosphors, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s10971-016-4040-1.

(6) Xingtao Chen, Tiecheng Lu*, et al. Fabrication and photoluminescence properties of Cr:YAG and Yb,Cr:YAG transparent ceramic, Optical Materials, 49 (2015) 330–336.

(7) Xingtao Chen, Tiecheng Lu*, et al. Systematic optimization of ball milling for highly transparent Yb:YAG ceramic using co-precipitated raw powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 653 (2015) 552-560.

(8) Xingtao Chen, TieCheng Lu*, et al. Effect of ball-milling granulation with PVB adhesive on the sinterability of co-precipitated Yb:YAG nanopowders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 589 (2014) 448–454.

(9) Q.H. Zhang, T.C. Lu*, X.T. Chen, et al., Synthesis of pure-phase uranium-doped YAG powder via co- precipitation method, Materials Letter, 188 (2017) 396-398.

(10) B.Y. Ma, W. Zhang*,X.T. Chen, et al., Direct thermal diffusional bonding of Nd:YAG/YAG composite transparent ceramics by vacuum sintering,Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37 (2017):3631-3639.

(11) Y.Wang, T.C. Lu, X.T. Chen, et al., Bifunctional behavior of Er3+ ions as the sintering additive and the Fluorescent agent in Er3+ single doped γ-AlON, Journal of Luminescence, 175 (2016) 203–206.

(12) B.Y. Ma, T.C. Lu*, X.T. Chen, et al., Microstructural sintering evolution and sinteringparameters optimization ofthe silica-doped Nd:YAG ceramics using the co-precipitated raw powder, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35 (2015) 2403–2412.

(13) Z.W. Lu, T.C. Lu*, N. Wei, W. Zhang, B.Y. Ma, J.Q. Qi,Y.B. Guan,X.T. Chen, et al., Effect of air annealing on the color center in Yb:Y3Al5O12 transparent ceramics with MgO as sintering additive, Optical Materials, 47 (2015) 292–296.


(1)卢铁城,陈兴涛,等. 一种添加柠檬酸铵制备纳米级钇铝石榴石粉体的方法,中国, ZL 2014 1 0073804.4.




2014级四川大学优秀毕业博士研究生;四川大学博士奖学金一等国家奖学金; 2015年四川大学优秀博士研究生;


2013 年硕士国家奖学金(2012-2013)2015年四川大学优秀助教教师


担任美国陶瓷协会、美国材料协会会员;Journalof American Ceramic Society, CeramicInternational, Journal of Material Science等期刊审稿人。


办公室:材料楼A320  电话:13647912120

Email: chenxingtao@ncu.edu.cn