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吴建 副教授 硕导

吴建博士,1986年出生,南昌大学副教授,硕士生导师。2016年博士毕业于中国工程物理研究院,曾在北京科技大学工作(2016.9-2018.11,讲师),2018年底在南昌大学工作。主要研究方向聚焦于能源存储与转化、第三代半导体用SiC和TaC涂层等理论计算、实验和应用研究。目前在Nano Energy, J. Mater. Chem. A, Electrochim. Acta等SCI期刊发表论文20余篇,被引用约600次。承担包含国家国防科技工业局项目、博士后面上资助项目、中央高校基本科研业务项目、江西省青年科学基金项目和企业横向项目。曾获北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生、中国工程物理研究院优秀毕业生等奖励。









1.Guo Pan#, Jian Wu#(共同一作), Xi-Bo Li#, Jun Luo, Woon-Ming Lau, Hao Liu*, Xue-Liang Sun*, Li-Min Liu*. “A highly stable bifunctional catalyst based on 3D Co(OH)2@NCNTs@NF towards overall water-splitting”,Nano Energy, 2018, 47, 96-104.

2. Jian Wu#, Pan Guo, Rui Mi, Xicuan Liu, Hui Zhang, Jun Mei, Hao Liu*, Woon-Ming Lau, Li-Min Liu*."Ultrathin NiCo2O4 nanosheets grown on three-dimensional interwoven nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes as binder-free electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors" Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 15331-15338.

3. Jian Wu#, Wen-Jin Yin, Wei-Wei Liu, Pan Guo, Guobiao Liu, Xicuan Liu, Dongsheng Geng, Woon-Ming Lau, Hao Liu*, Li-Min Liu*. "High performance of NiO nanosheets anchored three-dimensional nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes as binder-free anode for lithium ion batteries"Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 10940-10947.

4. Jian Wu#, Wei-Wei Liu#, Yu-Xuan Wu, Ting-Cha Wei, Dongsheng Geng, Jun Mei, Hao Liu*, Woon-Ming Lau*, Li-Min Liu*. "Hierarchical interwoven three dimensional nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes/CoxNi1-x(OH)2 ultrathin nanosheets for high-performance supercapacitors"Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 203, 21-29.

5. Jian Wu#, Jayabal Subramaniam, Yongqiang Liu, Dongsheng Geng*, Xiangbo Meng*. "Facile assembly of Ni(OH)2 nanosheets on nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes network as high-performance electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction"Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 731, 766-773.

6. Jian Wu#, Da Wang, Hao Liu, Woon-Ming Lau, Li-Min Liu*. "An ab initio study of TiS3: a promising electrode material for rechargeable Li and Na ion batteries" RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 21455-21463.

7. Jian Wu#, Rui Mi, Shaomin Li, Pan Guo, Jun Mei, Hao Liu*, Woon-Ming Lau, Li-Min Li*. "Hierarchical three-dimensional NiCo2O4 nanoneedle arrays supported on Ni foam for high-performance supercapacitors"RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 25304.

8. Jian Wu#, Yongqiang Liu, Dongsheng Geng*, Hao Liu*, Xiangbo Meng*. "Cobalt oxide nanosheets anchored onto nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes as dual purpose electrodes for lithium-ion batteries and oxygen evolution reaction"International Journal of Energy Research, 2017, 42, 853-862.

9. Jian Wu#, Kai-Wang Zhang*, Xiang-Yang Peng*, Si-Min Li, Li-Zhong Sun, Jian-Xin Zhong. "A molecular dynamics study of the Si-nanowire@carbon-nanotube nanocomposite with sp3 interfacial bonding" Computational Materials Science, 2013, 79, 650-655.

10. Jian Wu#, Woon-Ming Lau, Dongsheng Geng*. "Recent progress in cobalt-based compounds as high-performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries" Rare Metals, 2017, 5, 307-320.



地 址:江西省南昌市红谷滩新区学府大道999号,南昌大学物理与材料学院

微信: 13120306601

